
11 Keys to Living a Liberated Life

11 Keys to Living a Liberated Life

Recently, I've been asked about the practices I use to live a liberated life. I've been asked a number of times, so I've created this post as a means of sharing for anyone who's interested:

To live a liberated life, I think one best focus on oneself.

When we love ourselves deeply by cultivating an infinite amount of self love, we feel whole. As expressions of the same oneness, I find that when I feel whole (which I am), all feels whole. 

I think we need to be uncompromising in the love we express to ourselves. I'll share with you some of the practices and tools I use to do so:

Camp Summerdaze & The Continually Unfolding Magic of our Universe

Camp Summerdaze & The Continually Unfolding Magic of our Universe

Light turns to dark, and we all make our way to a big campfire. Tiki torch and candle flames dance as the scent of Palo Santo fills the air and our nostrils. Soft colourful lights bathe the trees with purples and blues, while a starry night sky and the brilliant half moon decorate our imaginations. The sound system surrounds the space.

I lie down on a blanket, and the sound check alone has people in a meditative trance.

Eduardo sits cross-legged at a low table with candles, a laptop, mixing equipment and microphone before he invites us on a journey.

“Thank you for this special experience everyone. All of it and all of you are truly magic,” he says. “I invite you to get comfortable, lie down, and imagine that you’re in your living room. I’m going to play some music for you. It’s all improvised, and I’m really honoured to share this. Patience will be your friend. I encourage you not to expect anything to happen. Simply relax and allow."

Experiencing Sadness & Meeting my 5 Year-Old Self

Experiencing Sadness & Meeting my 5 Year-Old Self

Last night, I was experiencing great sadness. I woke up feeling heavy and sad, and then I meditated. 

At first, I talked with myself and said, "everything is okay." I addressed all the concerns I had, acknowledged them, gave them love, and expressed to myself how each individual concern is going to be okay. It felt like I was my own father and mother taking care of myself. It felt like I was holding myself. It felt like I was holding a younger version of myself, like I was holding a little boy. 

I meditated on love for a while. Loving myself. Loving everything. Filling both with love. I meditated on loving you. I meditated on loving friends. . .